Business Analysis
There is no doubt aside of regular bookeeping you would like to learn more things about your business. You would like to know, which clients are profitable and which are loss making, you would like to calculate true cost of every product and service you produce. You also wonder how you should assign the costs you incure to the products and services you produce. A lot of such questions belongs to the area of financial or business analysis.
Many people would advice you to buy an expensive ERP software to be able to answer these questions. We are not sure you have to be in hurry. If we want to fly we should not immediately buy an expensive Boeing. Sometimes it is enough to have a small plane with an experienced pilot or instructor to lift from the ground. If you don’t have this pilot no matter what kind of plane you have just purchased.
Come to us and ask the questions of your concern. We are sure that if we cannot imediately find the answers recorded in your accounting system, we will advise you how to rearange it in order to get daily answers to your daily challenges.
Ph. +370 609 99 018